Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Beneath The Mountain Fort: The Red Dragon Of Wales And Its Welsh Strength

By Ayato, at
In Wales, one of four countries that (for now) form the United Kingdom, there is a tiny village called Beddgelert.

Future Myth: Talking This Blog, And The Future

K-Kaito. Find her art space
Life doesn't always go as you would have wanted it to.

I wanted this blog to be an encyclopedia of legends, myths and folklore - that has passed me by almost, as other things have become centre stage. There is a lot I want to do with my life - board games, films, a few series, maybe a book or two. Life and job gets in the way of them all.

But, here I am again, hoping to again, add more to the blog in preparation for the future - and a possible show based on myths and legends. Without saying too much about it, it is a show I hope will delight fantasy fans, creatives, or in fact anyone who chooses to give it a look. It is a show for the passionate, the creative, the lovers of everything mystical and so much more. And this blog hopes to be the prelude to that - to be a great place for people to learn about the mythos of our world.

And so in the run up to this potential series I hope to make this blog a far bigger, better place. There are thousands of myths in our world, from the things everyone knows about to the weirdest oddities that few have ever heard of. From the tiny, to the absolutely gigantic. From the monstrous to the angelic.

And maybe this blog will attract fans along the way as we journey through this magical world riding atop the real - and hopefully I can be more entertaining. This series, as have all old stories, will subvert the myths we know, change how they impact the story - and I've never been more excited about the possibility then now.

So, onwards, to our next blog about the Welsh Red Dragon.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Sirens, And The Evolution Of Their Folklore

As demonstrated in the most recent Pirates Of The Caribbean flick, the idea of Sirens has evolved over the years. Most pictures of them depict a watery woman - a beautiful mermaid of sorts, made to lure sailors into the sea and drown them. That is definitely the more favoured form of Sirens in any case, as demonstrated by Johnny Depp and co - while the mermaids in that film weren’t sirens, they were an amalgamation of mermaid and siren - beautiful singing creatures quickly turning to monstrosities when the chance came to feed. In ways though, this is a huge divergence from what Sirens once were - and how they have changed over thousands of years of history. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Beasts Of Britains South West... And Many Others

'...It got my head in its jaws and bit me. I was terrified and I thought it was going to kill me. I started screaming and ran. The animal ran away as well into some nearby fields. It was a really big cat, it would have ripped my face off. I don’t feel safe to go out and play any more.'

Of the beast in Trellock.

Bodmin Moor is an eighty square mile wilderness, dotted with hills, rocks and the occasional church or village amid the endless wild fields. It is a place where wildlife can flourish, and a happy haunt for a variety of hikers to lose themselves among the rock formations and grassy plains. It is reputed as a quiet walk in the wilderness, and so a big attraction for those after the quiet compared to the overwhelming noise of the city in this day and age.

Amid the regular fogs that roll through Bodmin however, there are supposedly plenty of things that stir. Including one legend with more teeth then any other.


Welcome To Earthmyth

If you are here, then I'm delighted to have you, and I hope this blog is entertaining enough for you to stick around. Because with this blog I hope to achieve great things.

This is the beginning of a process which will hopefully lead toward the beginnings of an animated series - and beyond that the creation of a community which will help to imagine an entirely new world.

But firstly what is this blog about? Mainly, it is going to be a blog for writing about myths. Mythical monsters from the Beast Of Bodmin Moor to dragons to Sirens to whatever else I can find. A blog dedicated to all those things that we all hope to one day see, all those things that go even beyond the magic already in our world.

Great things are planned beyond this - big things beyond what a little blog is capable of achieving by itself. So if you see this, I'd be delighted for you to stick around. I like to think this blog will have a tremendous amount to offer in the fullness of time - be that to educate on the nature of some myths or to provide a nice story to read, some light extra entertainment on the myths that fill every culture in this world.

I hope you enjoy this blog. We are beginning with a legend from my own country - The Beast Of Bodmin moor...