Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Future Myth: Talking This Blog, And The Future

K-Kaito. Find her art space
Life doesn't always go as you would have wanted it to.

I wanted this blog to be an encyclopedia of legends, myths and folklore - that has passed me by almost, as other things have become centre stage. There is a lot I want to do with my life - board games, films, a few series, maybe a book or two. Life and job gets in the way of them all.

But, here I am again, hoping to again, add more to the blog in preparation for the future - and a possible show based on myths and legends. Without saying too much about it, it is a show I hope will delight fantasy fans, creatives, or in fact anyone who chooses to give it a look. It is a show for the passionate, the creative, the lovers of everything mystical and so much more. And this blog hopes to be the prelude to that - to be a great place for people to learn about the mythos of our world.

And so in the run up to this potential series I hope to make this blog a far bigger, better place. There are thousands of myths in our world, from the things everyone knows about to the weirdest oddities that few have ever heard of. From the tiny, to the absolutely gigantic. From the monstrous to the angelic.

And maybe this blog will attract fans along the way as we journey through this magical world riding atop the real - and hopefully I can be more entertaining. This series, as have all old stories, will subvert the myths we know, change how they impact the story - and I've never been more excited about the possibility then now.

So, onwards, to our next blog about the Welsh Red Dragon.

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